Ms. Messner

Hi! This is my 24th year teaching Visual Arts and very 1st year teaching Yearbook. I have a BFA in Illustration and a Master of Arts in Teaching Visual Arts from The University of the Arts in Philadelphia. I am certified in tk-12 Art in NJ, PA and CA. I currently teach at both Royal Oaks STEAM Academy and at Beardslee Dual Immersion Academy. Previously I taught at Northview Intermediate, Duarte High, Mt Olive and Andres Duarte for a total of 17 years in Duarte Unified. Prior to teaching in DUSD, I taught in the School District of Philadelphia. I began my career teaching in Beverly City, New Jersey. I have experience teaching tk-12 graders but majority of my career has been with middle school. our text here...
Course Description:
Visual Arts is a course for all levels of artists! We focus on learning about the Elements and Principles of Design through Art Production, Art Criticism, Art History and Aesthetics using a multi-disciplinary approach that also incorporates reading, writing and the social sciences. Students learn to develop an artists' vocabulary, learn different artistic skills and techniques, are taught about various art genres and careers in art and also incorporate use of technology into their work. Yearbook is the course where our tk-8th grade yearbook is developed. Students learn about the stages of designing, publishing, advertising and selling our annual yearbook. Some of this work involves learning publication vocabulary, how to communicate with staff members professionally, take and edit eye-catching photos, write interesting captions, design fliers and posters for promotion and how to design the pages of the yearbook using an online graphic design platform. Students have to be able to work independently, with different "design partners" and also with small teams where they learn how to manage time and how to make important creative decisions while meeting deadlines.
Fun fact about me:
I love animals and have a lot of rescues: 15 ducks, 2 dogs, 3 turtles, 1 ball python and a gorgeous tropical fish tank. My minor in college was Glassblowing. I had the honor of illustrating a children's book, "The Velveteen Dress" with my dear friend, author, artist and DHS teacher - the late Terri Lujan.
Office Hours:
11:45am - 12:45pm